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 Elusive People

Come to the Robert & Jane Wyeth 175th NZ Family Reunion

2015 is the 175th Anniversary of the arrival of Robert and Jane in New Zealand.This link will take you to the Facebook page we have set up to keep family members up to date as things progress. Robert & Jane Wyeth 175th NZ Family Reunion Join the Group the last one was 25 years ago and it was great with over 300 attendees.

 Mystery Photos

wedding of George Robert Sykes and Esther Murray

Can you name the people at George and Esther's wedding?
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Wedding of George and Esther Sykes    
Unknown wedding

Who are these people and at whose wedding. Attendees include Thomas and Maggie Wyeth, Stephen and Richard Tankersley, May and Julia(neeKeen) Chamberlain, Sandy McLeod I think.....
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Unknown Wedding    
Thomas Wyeth Family Gathering Masterton 1950

Can you name the people
Tell us what you know     |     More information: Family Gathering Masterton 1955