Charles Wyeth and Family
Charles was born in Wellington on 18 September 1842 the 2nd son of Robert and Jane (nee
Runnalls) Wyeth, was born on 18 Sep 1842 in Wellington, New Zealand. Charles
married Elizabeth Ann Shirreffs on 12 May 1873 in Longbush, Southland.
Their children were:
Mary Jane (Polly) Wyeth was born on 30 Jun 1874 in Southland.
Joseph Sherriffs Wyeth was
born on 22 Jul 1875 in Southland.
Lucy Maria Wyeth was born on 20 Oct 1878 in Southland.
Charles Henry (Tie) Wyeth was born on 1 Feb 1880 in Woodlands, Southland.
Robert George (Bob) Wyeth was born on 9 Jul 1883 in Woodlands, Southland.
William George Wyeth was born on 24 Aug 1884 in Woodlands, Southland.
James Shirreffs (Jim) Wyeth was born on 27 May 1888 in Woodlands, Southland.
Amy Swale Wyeth was born on 31 Oct 1891 in Woodlands, Southland.
Nora Elizabeth Wyeth was born on 21 Sep 1893 in Woodlands, Southland.
Esther Dora (Essie) Wyeth was born on 24 Oct 1895 in Woodlands, Southland.
Thomas Wyeth was born on 6 Aug 1897 in Woodlands, Southland.
Flora Rose Wyeth was born on 26 Jan 1899 in Woodlands, Southland.
Charles spent his early years in Wellington where he attended one of the two schools
then open in the little settlement which was later to become the capital of
New Zealand. The family later
moved to a property at Silver stream just north of the Taitai (now Taita)
Gorge where Charles spent his youth on a bush farm. Charles was confirmed at Christs Church Taita on 1 January 1856.
It was in Silverstream that Charles made himself fit for the fine record he made
as an athlete. The farm work
included saw milling, bush clearing, and the hundred and one other things that
came one's way in a newly settled country.
Some of the young fellows prepared a rough running track, where they
used to go in for athletics, and Charles and his bother Tom devoted a good
deal of their spare time to running.
Just prior to his death Charles was interviewed by the editor of The "Southern
Cross Newsletter" a personal friend who was planing to publish a series
of articles on early settlers of Southland.
Charles died before the article was published and it was therefore used
as an obituary. In the article
Charles described an event of his childhood
"The two great annual sporting events were Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
The Governor, then Sir George Grey
, had a place on the other side of the bay from Wellington, and one year the Boxing
Day sports were held in his grounds. People
came from far and near, including a number from the Upper Hutt.
The prize for the boys races included 5 pounds donated by the Governor.
"Some of my companions," said Charles, " urged me to enter but I refused,
and then they got me down on the ground and tried to pull the boots off my
feet. Naturally I objected, and just then Sir George Grey and some of his party strolled by.
He noticed the group of boys apparently fighting on the grass.
Thinking I was being ill-used, he called out -`None of that here, my
lads!' `We only want him to run in the races.' explained one of the group. `Come,
come,' said Sir George, `get up and run like a man.'
I did and won my first prize. The course, as I remember, was a straight line on the grass to a thorn bush and
The Wellington Independent reported one of the fastest races we have witnessed here came off
on 14 February 1868 in Clapham’s paddock.
The competitors were Charles Wyeth of the Upper Hutt, one of the best
runners in Wellington, and the “unknown” who, though hitherto “unknown”
to the Wellington public, has distinguished himself in other parts of the world
by his swiftness of foot. The match
was for 30 pounds and the course was 2 miles. The time, considering the course, was very good, being 9 minutes and 45
seconds. At the fall of the flag, both men got off well together, the latter
then took the lead and led for 2 laps. As the men were entering the last lap,
the unknown unfortunately not seeing the post which was covered by his opponents
body, took the inside and thereby cut off a post, to which he had to double back
and start afresh, thus losing 40 yards, making Wyeth an easy winner. (Wellington
Charles competed in Athletic events throughout New Zealand he was sucessfull
in 1869 in the Caledonian
Games Invercargill
At the 1870 Caledonian
Games in Wellington the 100 yards foot race with a first prize of 2 pounds.
To compete for which seven persons came to the post. A good start was effected and all bounded off together but none could
touch the two well-known runners, who have carried off many a prize before and
Charles Wyeth won 1st place. In
the 200 yards foot race, Charles finished 1st but the great event of
the day was the 1 mile foot race with a first prize of 3 pounds. On the fall of the flag, all got well away together with Charles Wyeth
leading the way and running very easily the whole time. He only lost the race by accident, for at the last distance flag, he
threw himself on the group, supposing he had reached the goal. But the younger Wyeth ran on to the proper post, and thus by the merest
fluke became the winner. (Evening Post)
But in those days there was other and much sterner work afoot than sports.
Europeans and Maoris were at war in the Waikato, Taranaki, and elsewhere. More
than once Wellington itself was threatened, and on one occasion was fortified
against attack. In those times the
bush surrounding Wellington was the home of many natives, with tracks that zig
zagged to favourite fishing places and camping grounds on the sea shore.
Militia companies were sworn in, clergymen and doctors only being
exempted. The Militia with which Charles Wyeth served for over six years, were commanded by a colonel of the
Imperial Army. While Charles was a member of the Taita Rifle Volunteers in 1867
he was chosen as one of the bodyguard who accompanied the Duke of Edinburgh
round the country districts when he visited Wellington.
In the latter part of his time in Upper Hutt Charles was involved in farm work with
his brother. And in 1867 he was awarded the contract for the cartage of
Telegraph wires from Wellington to the Waiararpa.
1867 - Silverstream
On 12 December 1867 Charles purchased a piece of land at the corner of Great
Eastern Road and the Main road at Silverstream.
The land being part of Section 97 of the Hutt District.
The land was purchased from John McKenzie of Carterton, Farmer.
McKenzie took a mortgage over the land to secure 300 pounds due 100
pounds in December 1868, 69, and 1870. The
land was the subject of a mortgagee sale on 8 January 1873, and returned to
McKenzie for 40 pounds[1].
1870 - Southland
Charles had moved to Southland about 1870.
1873 - Marriage
On 12 May 1873 Charles married Elizabeth Ann Shirreffs
daughter of Joseph Duncan and Mary Ann (nee Cameron) Sherriffs
the marriage took place in the home of Joseph Sherriffs at Longbush.
Elizabeth was born in Aberdeen Scotland on 9 August 1856.
An interesting point is a comparison of Charles and Jane's Relative ages from
various official documents
Document |
Date |
Charles |
Eliz'th |
Diff |
Marriage register |
1873 |
26 |
16 |
10yrs |
Tie's Birth cert |
1880 |
33 |
23 |
10yrs |
Bob's birth cert |
1884 |
40 |
29 |
11yrs |
Amy's birth cert |
1891 |
47 |
35 |
12yrs |
Pat's birth cert |
1893 |
51 |
37 |
14yrs |
Essie's birth cert |
1895 |
53 |
39 |
14yrs |
And their birth dates |
1842 |
1856 |
14yrs |
I wonder who Charles was fooling Elizabeth or her parents.
And if it was Elizabeth what happened when she found out.
and Mary Sherriffs
Joseph Duncan Sherriffs son of Alexander and Elizabeth (nee Skene)
Sherriffs was born in Aberdeen circa 1833. On 23 August 1856 in the Zion Chapel in St
Nicholas, Aberdeen he married Mary Ann (nee Cameron) Wright daughter of Captain and Anne (nee Stuart)
Joseph, a master plumber, arrived in New Zealand in 1868 at Port Chalmers from
Scotland to take charge of the tin-making department of the New Zealand
Preserving Co.'s extensive works at Woodlands.
He was sponsored under a three years' engagement, with the option of
returning to Scotland at the end of the term.
Part of the engagement involved him bringing a number of single girls
to New Zealand to work in the works. Joseph
and Mary brought four children with them from Aberdeen, their eldest
daughter Elizabeth was to have been left with her Maternal Grandmother, Anne
Stuart, who's husband was a Sea Captain, as company while the rest of the
family was in New Zealand, fortunately this did not eventuate and Elizabeth
came to New Zealand with the rest of the family there to marry Charles Wyeth
and give birth to 12 Children[2].
Two other children both named Joseph born in 1862 and 1864 did not
come with them having presumably died in Scotland prior to the families
departure for New Zealand[3].
When the engagement at the Preserving Co expired Mr Shirreffs thought so well of
Invercargill's prospects that he set up in business on his own account.
After his death it was carried on by his son Mr William Shirreffs, and
when he, William, went to Nelson in 1928 the business was left in the charge
of his nephew, Mr Arthur Shirreffs.
It was at that time one of the few old identity businesses in
Invercargill that has survived the changes and chances of over half a
Joseph and Mary Anne's children were:-
Born Aberdeen
Elizabeth Anne |
9 Aug 1856 |
9 Aug1928 |
Charles Wyeth |
Jane (Jean) |
14 Jun 1858 |
19Aug 1900 |
John Lamont |
Joseph |
30/11/1862 |
presumed died in infancy |
Joseph |
14/6/1864 |
presumed died in infancy |
William Wilson |
9 Sep 1865 |
12 Mar 1948 |
Margaret Hay |
Plumber |
James Cameron |
20 Dec 1866 |
6 Nov 1926 |
Christina Yeaman |
Seaman/Brewery Worker |
Born Woodlands |
Nisbet McRobie |
26 Mar 1871 |
3 Jun 1954 |
Janet Hay |
Butcher |
Joseph Duncan |
circa 1873 |
29 Jul 1945 |
Esther Clempson |
Railway Worker/Herbalist |
Born Invercargill |
Rachel Ann Duncan |
3 Mar 1875 |
24 Feb 1948 |
Stephen Fielding |
Sarah |
4 Apr 1879 |
1 Nov 1969 |
William Swale |
Gordon |
Abt 1884 |
14 Mar 1910 |
not married |
Drowned in Sabroan Baths Sydney |
Mary died on 23 March 1904 and Joseph on 24 April 1909. They are
buried with Gordon in Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill.
Charles purchased his initial property in Woodlands in 1876 and then in
1879 at a cost of 7
pounds 10 shillings per acre he purchased Section 2, covering 27a 3r 26p from
the sale of the New Zealand and Australian Land Company’s Woodlands Estate
by Mr. G.F. Martin which took place at Invercargill on Saturday
the 21st of June 1879
In 1880 at the time of son Tie's birth Charlie’s occupation was recorded as
Contactor, in 1884 it was Farmer , and by 1891 it was Market Gardener at which
he continued until handing over to Tom some years before his death.
Market Gardening
While Charles frequently did well in the Agricultural and Pastoral
Association shows he excelled in 1897 in the Gore Agricultural and Pastoral
Association’s second winter show. The newspaper ‘Otago Witness’ commented
that they had a particularly pleasant day for the opening this afternoon of
their second winter show, which in every respect was a great improvement upon
last year’s. This was highly creditable to the management and to the important
agricultural and pastoral districts of which Gore is the capital. Charles won
the following prizes for his vegetables:
Roots – hybrid turnips 1st prize
Yellow globe – 1st prize
Red Beetroot – 1st prize
Mangolds, long red (farmers only) – 1st
White field carrots – 1st prize
Cabbage – 1st prize
Parsnips – 2nd prize
In a later article on Woodlands we find this “Following the
thoroughfare, we soon find Mr. Charles Wyeth among the cabbages. A model market
garden presents itself and Mr. Wyeth’s articles of human sustenance are in a
forward condition, and are proofs that great care and attention are given them
by the practical gardener who owns them. Mr. Wyeth’s potatoes can stand the
test of keen competition in the showrooms, where he annexes numerous prizes.
But Mr. Wyeth can produce almost anything.
And under the heading of ‘Gardening’ – Our local market gardener
and seedsman, Mr. Charles Wyeth was very successful at the Gore and Invercargill
winter shows, securing the special prize for most points in both places.
Charles was actively involved in athletics administration both as president
of the local athletics Society and as hadicapper for the Caledonian Society.
“The 1880 Annual Meeting of the local athletic society was held last week
with Mr. Charles Wyeth presiding. The
balance sheet disclosed a valuable little nest egg to the society’s credit.
Sports will be held on Christmas Day as usual, and a champion chopping match
will be one of the many attractive events. A strong directorate was elected,
with Mr. C Wyeth as president.” (Otago Witness)
In 1902 at a meeting of the directors of the Caledonian Society of
Southland Mr. Charles Wyeth, the veteran handicapper of the society, tendered
his resignation, which was received with much regret, directors generally
expressing the society’s appreciation of his many gratuitous services, and a
notice of motion was tabled to fittingly recognise his long connection with the
society. (Otago Witness 1902)
Charles' Grandaughter, Nora, daughter of Amy, well remembers being entertained in
Charles' Whare down at the bottom of his garden in Woodlands with bloodthirsty
tales of his adventures in the Maori Wars always told after he had sharpened
his knife and demonstrated its sharpness by using it to shave the hairs on his
1928 Death
Elizabeth died at the home of her daughter, Nora (Pat) in Gore, on Thursday, 9th August
1928, which happened to be her 72nd birthday. Granny Wyeth had gone there a
few days before to spend a holiday with Mrs Price,
and one evening suffered a stroke, which resulted in
unconsciousness. She lingered for a few days, and passed away on the 9th.
Granny had recovered somewhat just before the end and recognised members of
her family who had hastened to her bedside.
Granny Wyeth's 72nd Birthday had been going to have another
significance, it was to be her youngest sons wedding day.
The wedding did not take place that day but Tom and
Gladys were married, two weeks later, in a quiet ceremony at the home of
Granny's eldest daughter Polly.
Elizabeth not only not only looked well to the ways of her household, but ever took a
kindly interest in those about her, and was a present help in times of
sickness or distress. In later years "Granny," as she was called to
avoid confusion with other members of a numerous family, was never happier
than when assisting others, and her activities were widespread. She belonged
to the order of the generous heart and the helping hand. Her influence
extended far beyond her own home, and when any matter on which doubt existed,
if someone said- "Mum wouldn't like it," that settled it.
She was a motherly woman in every sense of the word, and successive
additions to the house of Wyeth were as warmly welcomed as her own children.
Six daughters and six sons were born to Charles and Elizabeth and in the
intervening years there was only one death - that of Lucy (Mrs Dewe).
Of the children 11 survive, namely:-Daughters-Mrs Phillips (Invercargill), Mrs
James McLeay (Christchurch), Mrs Price (Gore),Mrs Campbell (Upper Hutt,
Wellington), and Miss Rose Wyeth (Woodlands); Sons - Joseph, Thomas, and
Charles (Woodlands), Robert (Orawia), William (Brydone), and James
(Kennington). There 40 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Four generations were represented at the funeral, which took place at Woodlands on
Sunday afternoon The Rev. J.H. Robertson, of Woodlands was absent on sick
leave, and the Rev. A. Bean (an old friend of the family from the time when
the Methodists held occasional services at Woodlands) was to have officiated,
but he was laid aside by an attack of influenza, so the Rev. S Bailey, of St
Peter’s, Invercargill, conducted the service in the old home, and at the
cemetery a little way along the road. Motor cars lined the thoroughfare from
the war memorial to God's Acre, and mourners from far and near to the number
of 300 or 400 paid a last tribute of respect to their old and esteemed friend-
this in addition to over sixty telegrams and letters of sympathy. The coffin
was borne to the cemetery by six stalwart sons of the deceased, grandchildren
following it with many and beautiful wreaths. The country side was bathed in
sunlight as the cortege passed to the burial place, a fitting setting for one
who in her time brought so much sunshine to the hearts of others. After the
service in the cemetery, a photograph was taken of the wreath covered mound.
Mrs Wyeth had been connected with the Woodlands Presbyterian Church for many
years, and at the service on Sunday morning, Mr J. McCurdy, Invercargill, who
conducted the service, in the Rev. Mr Robertson's absence, read an intimation
of her death, after which the congregation stood in silence for a few moments.
Charles died some four months after his wife on 20 December 1928 aged 86 years.
Charles and Elizabeth are both buried in Woodlands Cemetery[4].
Rose had looked after Charles and Elizabeth until their death was left
the Market Garden in their will. She sold it to Tom who had been and continued
to run the garden.
Mary Jane Wyeth (Polly)
Polly was born in Southland on 30 June 1874 the eldest child of Charles and Elizabeth Wyeth.
Polly was married in the Woodlands Presbyterian Church on 23 March 1892 to James Porter Phillipps eldest son of Thomas and Mary Ann (nee
Porter)Phillipps. Polly was 18 and James 27.
James died 1 January 1910[6]
age tarted a
boarding house in Woodlands a number of Railway cadets stationed in Woodlands stayed with her.
Polly later moved to Tay St Invercargill next door to Lange's Bakery, where she continued to run a boarding house with Glads help.
Reg Woodham was a boarder during this time.
Polly died 7 May 1958 aged 83 years and is buried in Woodlands with her late husband
and Grand-daughter Dorothy.
Inscription from Tombstone " In Loving Memory of
James beloved husband of JM Phillips and eldest son of T & MA Phillips, died
1 Jan 1910 aged 44 yrs; also his granddaughter Dorothy May, beloved daughter of
Reginald and Gladys Woodham, died 20 July 1930 aged 8 days.
Also the above Mary Jane Phillips died 9 May 1958 aged 83 years."
Mary Ann and Thomas Phillips
Mary and Thomas were married in 1864[5].
Mary Ann wife of Thomas died on 22 February 1912 in her 75th year and was
buried in Woodlands Cemetery.
Headstone: Mary Ann wife
of Thomas Phillips died 22 Feb 1912 age 75 years also her brother James Porter
died 25 Dec 1893 age 51 years. From cemetery records also in plot are: Ellen
Winifred Phillips age 5 weeks buried 25 Oct 1898. Charles Phillips and Thomas
Phillips no other details known.
NOTE: Elizabeth
Winifred Phillips daughter of Bertha Elizabeth and Charles Phillips was born on
18 September 1898. Charles Phillips, aged 26, married Bertha Elizabeth Tucker,
aged 21, on 9 Sept 1896 at Woodlands Presbyterian Church.
Polly's Family
Elizabeth (Lizzie)Phillips
Lizzie was born in Woodlands on 26 January 1895. She
was married on 27 March 1920 in Invercargill to Charles Henry Radka.
was born on 27 October 1892 in Invercargill son of Gustave and Sarah (nee Small ) Radka.
Charles was a gardener by trade he died on 22 January 1962.
Lizzie died on 16 February 1982 in Invercargill they are both buried in Eastern
Cemetery Invercargill.
They had 1 daughter.
Charles Thomas Phillips


Charlie was born on 6 March 1895 in Woodlands. Charlie
spent all his working life working for the Railways at various times as a
Station Assistant and Guard. He was married on 9 November 1927 to Mabel
of Walter and Eliza Hope (nee Pritchard) Pearse.
Mabel a dressmaker by trade was born on 19 June 1903 in Invercargill.
Mabel died 3 September 1967 in Invercargill leaving Charlie a widower.
Charlie was remarried late in life to Alice Lange from the bakery alongside
his mother's boarding house. Charlie died on 29
December 1974 in Invercargill where he was buried. Charlie and Mabel had 2
children. My personal recollection
of Charlie and Mabel is as keen fishermen. My
holiday with them during my school years was spent very enjoyably sitting or
standing beside various Southland rivers with Fishing rod or line in hand.
Gladys May Phillips
Glad was born in Woodlands on 15 April 1898. When
she left school Glad helped her mother run their boarding house.
A boarder in the house was Reginald Horace Allen Woodham who Glad
married at the Knox Church in Invercargill.
Reg was born in Tinakori Rd Wellington the son of Frank and Lily
Elizabeth (nee Allen) Woodham on 22 December 1898. Glad died on 12 July
1978 in Invercargill. Reg spent his
later years living in Hamilton next door to his daughter Ruth he died on 27
January 1989 in Hamilton . He was
cremated in Hamilton and his ashes interred in Invercargill Cemetery with Glad.
They had 4 children. The
first child Dorothy died on 20 July 1930 aged 8 days and was buried in Woodlands
Cemetery with her grandparents. Their
2nd child Brian died in 1936 aged nearly 5 of Pneumonia.
Reg remarried in the latter years of his life, his sunset bride being Eddie
Cox unfortunately Eddie died 8 months after they were married.
James Porter Phillips
Jimmy was born on 16 August 1899 at Woodlands. He
was married on 26 July 1922 in Invercargill to Eileen
Collett only daughter of William and Rose (nee Church) Collett.
Eileen was born on 2 October 1900 in Invercargill.
Jimmy worked for the Railways. Eileen
died on 28 June 1974 and Jimmy on 16 April 1981 both in Invercargill where they
were buried. They had 3 children.
Joseph Sherriffs Wyeth
Joseph was born on 22 July 1875 the 2nd child eldest son of Charles and Elizabeth
Joe and Tie had a grocers shop in Woodlands
Joseph was married on 27 December 1898 in
Woodlands Presbyterian Church to Flora Rose McDonald. Joseph was
23 and Flora 21. Flora was born in 1878 the youngest in a family of 3. She
died on 11 January 1945 at Kew Hospital Invercargill and is buried in Woodlands.
At the time of his death on 11 April 1956 Joseph owned some 20 acres of farm land[7]
in Invercargill and around Longbush on which he grazed some 70 odd sheep.
Flora and Joe are buried in Woodlands Cemetery[8].
Joseph's Family
Joseph Sherriffs Wyeth
Joe was born in Woodlands on 22 May 1901. He
did not marry and lived most of his adult life in the Chatham Islands, see
obituary following. He died in Kew
Hospital Invercargill on 16 April 1970[9]
Chatham Islanders will
Remember Joe Wyeth
To most New Zealanders the name of Joseph Shirreffs Wyeth, who died in
his 69th year in Kew Hospital, Invercargill, this month, held no particular
significance. But to the people of
the Chatham Islands Joe Wyeth's death was the passing of the uncrowned king of
the Chathams, of a man who was father, adviser, storekeeper, local body
member, banker and financier, friend and philosopher over nearly 41 years, 37
of which were spent at the island.
Even in the last six years of his life, when he lived at Otatara,
Invercargill, Joe's link with the island and the islanders remained as close
as ever, and whenever islanders came to the mainland they made a point of
journeying down to spend at least one night with Joe.
At times there were up to a dozen of them in his house on one night -
and he put them all up. He was
friend to them all from the oldest to the youngest, and he had many friends in
high places in New Zealand, from a Commissioner of police, (Mr C. L. Spencer),
and the
leader of the Opposition, Mr N. E. Kirk,
down. These two also came to stay with him at different times.
His story is a notable one. He
was born at Woodlands where his grandfather went to live many years ago, and
where his father also was born. Then
he served his time as a cheesemaker at Brydone
with an
uncle, before going to O'Kains Bay near Akaroa.
It was from there that he went to the Chathams in 1927 as cheesemaker in
one-man cheese factory. That was
the turning point in his life.
The factory closed down after two years, so Joe brought the store, an
old wooden two-story house with a high gable converted into a shop. He ran that store for 35 years, and in all that time he returned to the
mainland only three times. Joe
quickly and quietly - he was always a quiet man - integrated himself into the
island community, taking part in all their activities, helping them with money
and goods and his presence as well, so that he became president of the Chatham
Islands Jockey Club, member of the Church of England Vestry(he was
Presbyterian), a member of the Licensing committee, a member of the football
club - and also a Justice of the Peace.
He was recognised for four special qualities among many others -
integrity, fair play, generosity and punctuality - all of which were
acknowledged in a testimonial that was given to him when he left the island to
live in Invercargill.
Never one to talk much, he had an incredible capacity for friendship and
warmth. In no time he was
acknowledged to be king of the island and he kept open house for all, from
Royalty down to the humblest islander. He
provided a car for the Duke of Edinburgh when he visited the island, and when
the Queen Mother last visited Invercargill he was one of those who dined with
her at the Kelvin Hotel.
He ran the only picture show at the island, and all the takings were
thrown higgledy piggledy into s drawer. He
never bothered counting it, and it was only when something was wanted for the
theatre that the drawer was opened and the money extracted.
Sometimes, too, money seemed to run out at the island - there was no
baker, no butcher and no electric power - and customers would bring
home-killed meat and other produce under a primitive system. It worked well.
He was often paid in swan's eggs from the big lagoon and also in swan
meat from the big drives that were held from time to time.
Joe made money, certainly, but it never meant very much to him.
His friend Arthur Morgan, in Invercargill, would often receive blank
signed cheques from him, with a request to buy certain things he needed from
time to time.
When the church of England parson arrived at the island Joe found that
there were not enough Anglicans to
pay his stipend, so Joe paid it out of his own pocket.
His decision six years ago to come to the mainland to live was like an
amputation to the island population, but they lost know time in letting him
know what a place he held in their hearts. There were farewell functions, tributes and presentations, and one of
these was a plaque made from Chatham Island native wood with a chart of the
main island worked in small, high coloured sea shells and paua shell,
presented by members of the Jockey Club.
He had asked Arthur Morgan to
build him a modern home in a two-acre section at Otatara, and it was not long
before this home became a centre for all the people within a radius of a mile,
as well as for his many friends in the Chathams, and in other parts of New
Zealand, and from as far away as Norfolk Island.
He joined the Otatara Bowling Club, the indoor bowling club, the church,
and the flower show. Various other
local organisations benefited from his unstinting support. He also made friends with the staff of the local Awarua radio station.
In his six years of exile on the mainland Joe returned to the island
only twice, and those were great days for the islanders. He refused to impose on their hospitality and had a caravan sent over
to accommodate him, but the neighbours insisted in pulling it around their
various homes so that he could at least stay on their properties if not inside
their homes.
"He was a great man, a man of enormous prestige," says Arthur
Morgan who had been his friend for 25 years.
Joe Wyeth was also a shy man, and it is strange that he never married,
because it is generally conceded that he would have been a wonderful husband.
He loved his home at Otatara, which was and still is a place of
exquisite beauty, as many who have signed his visitors' book have testified. "A dream place," is a common verdict.
He became a lover of flowers and when he learned of the slender
financial shoestring on which the women of Otatara conducted their annual
flower show he came generously to their support. He was a man who will long be remembered at the island and in other
places - and also at the hospital, where he spent his last days, for he
speedily won the deep devotion of the dedicated band of nurses who looked
after him.
It is oddly sad that at his funeral service one of his Otatara friends
of many years, Alex Billings, should collapse and die in the chapel where the
service was being conducted, only a few days before he was due to celebrate
his golden wedding.
(By F. W. G. Miller - Christchurch Star)
Charles Wyeth
Charles was born in Woodlands on 4 May 1902. He
was married in Clinton in 1932 to Marie
Louise Abernethy daughter
of Joseph and Elizabeth Abernethy. Joseph and Elizabeth emigrated to New Zealand from Ireland
. Marie
was born in Clinton
on 8 November 1911. Charles worked for the Railways. They
had 3 children. Marie
died on 1 June 1980 and Charles on 22 April 1985 they are both buried at the
Burwood Crematorium in Christchurch.
Maurice Wyeth
was born 1 March 1907, he died 9 months later on 26 December 1907 he is buried
at Woodlands in the same plot as his grandparents Charles and Elizabeth[4].
Allan Rose Wyeth
Allan was born on 3 January 1910. In 1956 Allan was a Freezing Works employee living
at Makarewa. Allan did not marry, he lived the later part of his life in Hastings.
He died on 18 September 1988 and is buried in a Returned Services Grave
in Hastings Cemetery.
Iris Elizabeth Wyeth
was born on 14 February 1917. She
married Arthur Thomas Morgan. Arthur was born on 19 May 1900 the son of
Charles and Louisa (nee Fearn) Morgan. In 1956
Iris was living in Invercargill. Arthur
died on 6 May 1981 and Iris on 29 August 1992 both in Invercargill.
Lucy Maria Wyeth
Lucy was born on 28 October1878 the 2nd daughter 3rd child of Charles and
Elizabeth Wyeth
Lucy was Dux of Woodlands school her Dux
medal has been passed on to her Grand daughter Blanche.
On 4 November 1896 Lucy Married George Dewe at the Woodlands
Presbyterian Church. George was born in 1869 in Sutton Courtenay, Berks,
England the son of
Enos and Elizabeth Dewe.
George, was a rabbit contractor, in Woodlands. Mr
Dewe was born in Berkshire England
1870 and arrived in Otago with his
parents, at the age of 5 years. He
was educated at the public schools at Edendale and Woodlands, afterwards he
worked on a farm for 6 years and since that time has been engaged in the rabbit
and meat preserving trade. He is a
member of Lodge Star of the Forest, Ancient order of Foresters and has filled
the office of sub chief ranger.[12]'
Enos and Elizabeth Dewe
Enos Dewe was born in 1845 in Sutton Courtenay, Berks,
England the son
of Henry and Elizabeth Dewe. He was married on 27 August 1865 to Elizabeth Carter.
Elizabeth was born in 1846 in Stanford in the Vale, Berks
the daughter of Thomas and Ann (nee May) Carter. They came to New Zealand with 5 children in 1873 on the ship
with Enos's parents and their family and his married sister and her family.
When they arrived the ships company were isolated on Quarantine Island
for a number of weeks due to an outbreak of fever on board during the voyage
out[13]. After being released
Enos and his family moved to Woodlands.
Enos and Elizabeth had in total 11 children, 6 girls and 5 boys.
Born in England
Rhoda 1863;
Reuben 1866-1939[11];
Eli 1869-1942;
George 1869-1919 married Lucy Maria Wyeth
Matilda 1873;
Born in New Zealand
Mary 1875-1955;
Jane 1876-1941;
Henry 1879,
Ernest 1884,
Elizabeth 1885;
Matilda 1889.
Enos and his family lived in Woodlands for many years,
Enos died on 11 Nov 1925 and Elizabeth on 14
May 1924, they are buried in Woodlands Cemetery.
"Elizabeth wife of Enos DEWE died 14 May 1924 age 79
years also the above Enos DEWE died 11 Nov 1925 age 80 years".
Cemetery Records show
that Matilda Dewe buried 17 Aug 1889 and Henry Dewe age 62 years buried 11 Jul
1940 are included in the same plot. [10].
Lucy and George died within two years of each other Lucy on 17 August 1917 (aged 39)
and George on 10 May 1919 (aged 49)[14].
Lucy's Family
Elizabeth Blanche (Blanche) Dewe
Blanche was born in 1897. In 1919 Blanche
married John Ratimera Te Au.
John was born on 3 October 1898. They had 7 children. Blanche
died on 15 January 1969 and John just less than a year later on 6 January 1970
they are buried in Tuatapere Cemetery, Tuatapere,
Southland, New Zealand.
"9/1242 Tpr John R TE AU born 1899 died 1970 also his wife Elizabeth
Blanche born 1900 died 1969 also their son Ian Joseph born 1924 died 1945 also
their grand-daughter Wendy Ruth TE AU died 30 Nov 1957 age 13 months also Noel
Ratimera TE AU died 17 Oct 1997"
Nellie Dewe
Nellie was born on 13 April 1898. She was married on 16 Jun 1920 in St
Pauls Presbyterian Church Invercargill to Gilbert Young Congreve.
Gilbert was age 23 and Nellie 21. Gilbert was born on 1 July 1896 the
son of James and Agnes (nee Johnston) Congreve. They had 3 children. Gilbert died
on 28 May 1973 and Nellie on 19 March 1978. They are buried in Eastern
Cemetery Invercargill.
Mary Phillips (Molly) Dewe
Molly was born in Invercargill on 18 December 1901, Molly and her younger sister Ethel
were twins. Molly was hurt in a
sports accident and died on 20 December 1925 aged 25. She was buried in Woodlands Cemetery in the same plot as her Mother and
Ethel Jane Dewe
Ethel was born in Invercargill on 18 December 1901. She married Leslie Joseph Guyton
in Invercargill on 1 January 1924. Les, a Baker by trade, was born on 1 January 1899 the son of James Guyton
and Emily (nee Timmings) Guyton. They had 3 children. Les died in Invercargill on 14 September 1983 the cause of death being
Heart Failure. Ethel died on 15 August 1990, they are buried at Eastern Cemetery
Angus Evan (Bock) Dewe
Angus was born on 27 April 1907. He was married in
1930 to Janet Beatrice (Jessie) Ritchie. Jessie was born on 19 April 1905
the daughter of John Buchanan and Susan (nee Cameron) Ritchie.
Jessie and Angus had
no children. Bock died on 22 October 1985 and Jessie on 11
January 1993 both in Invercargill. They are buried at Eastern Cemetery
Charles Henry Wyeth (Tie)
Charles was born in Woodlands on 1 February 1880 the 2nd son 4th child of Charles and
Elizabeth Wyeth.
Charles was a Tinsmith at time of marriage
In 1927 Tie and Joe had a grocers shop in Woodlands together.
Tie was married on 30 January 1907 to Jane
Jamison(Jean). The
marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents Robert and Jane (nee
McNaught) Jamieson of Winton. Robert, a Baker by trade came from Northern Ireland.
Charles died on 26 March 1948, Jean
died at Lorne Hospital, Invercargill on 13 January 1951 aged 77, they are buried
in Woodlands Cemetery.[15]
Uncle Tie's family
Robert Lawrence (Burt) Wyeth
Burt and his twin brother Phillip were born on 8 January 1910 at Woodlands. He
married Margaret Lucinda Leebody, daughter
of Hugh Thomson and Lucy
Adelaide (nee Bartlett) Leebody,
at Hedgehope Pres. Church in Southland on 21 March 1934. Margaret was born in Hedgehope
on 14 June 1911. Margaret was baptised at
Woodlands on 17 September 1946, this was between her the births of her third and
fourth children. Burt was a Butcher
by trade, he died on 21 July1984 in Invercargill. Margaret died on 13 December
1998 in Christchurch. They are buried at Southland
Crematorium, Invercargill.
Phillip Ewart Wyeth
Phillip also born on 8 January 1910 at Woodlands. He was married on 1 June 1935 at the Rosewood Tearooms Invercargill to Honoria
Theresa (Nonie) Forde, the
daughter of John Francis and Gertrude Amelia (nee Lynch) Forde. Nonie was born in Invercargill on 18 February 1912.
Phillip was a Hairdresser by trade. Phillip and Nonie had 3 children. Nonie died on
22 November 1989 and Phillp on 10 October 1990. They are buried at Eastern Cemetery
Gordon Shirreffs Wyeth
Gordy was born on 7 January 1912. He
married Hazel Barbara Robertson. Hazel was born on 25 August 1925
daughter of Robert and Barbara (nee Malcolm) Robertson. They
had 3 children. Hazel died of Cancer on 9 December 1968.
Gordon died on 14 July 1984. They are buried in Eastern Cemetery
William Alexander Wyeth
Billy was born on 21 February 1919 in Invercargill. He was married on 8 September 1943
at the Central Methodist Church Invercargill to Noeline
May Booth. Noeline was born 23 October 1918 in Invercargill daughter
of Herbert Harry and Lucy May (nee Humphries) Booth. Billy was a storekeeper. They
had 3 children. Billy died in Invercargill on 13 November 1982. Noeline died on
24 August 1993 in Gosford, NSW, Australia. They are buried in
Eastern Cemetery Invercargill.
Robert(Bob) Wyeth
Bob was born on 9 July 1883 the 3rd son 5th child of Charles and Elizabeth
Bob was married in Mataura Island to Christina Cameron (Aunty
Robert was the Manager of the Dairy Factory from 1909. In 1925 Bob sucessfully sent a trial consignment
of Rimlees Cheese to London. The following is an extract from an article in the
'Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle' reporting on the trial "Mr
R. G. Wyeth, Manager of the Merrivale Factory, has been experimenting for
several years in the direction of turning out a rimless cheese, and was probably
the pioneer in the South Island to systematically tackle the job. That he has
succeeded is demonstrated by the report on his trial shipment. Mr Wyeth has
obtained protection for his patent, and is at present in treaty with some
manufacturers for turning out the appliance on commercial lines. As Merrivale is
one of the small factories of the province, and is not modernised, to any
extent, it speaks well for Mr Wyeth's skill and resourcefulness that He has so
signally succeeded where many have failed."
Christina died on 18 February 1957 aged 74 and Bob on 13 August 1966 aged 84 in
Orawa. They are both buried in Hodgkinson Cemetery Otautau along with their second son
who died at the age of 20.
Bob's family
Athol Wyeth
Athol was born on 9 August 1911 at Mataura Island . Athol married Josephine May (Ena)
Thompson daughter of Joseph and May (nee McDowell) Thompson, on 1
March 1939 in Invercargill. Josephine was born in on 29 November 1915 in Arrowtown Cenral
Otago. Athol was an Auto-electrician by trade. They had 3 children. Athol died on 10 August
1973 aged 62 at Invercargill from a burst ulcer brought on as a result of
hearing that Ena had cancer. Ena died on 20 May 1977 in Invercargill. They are both buried in Hodgkinson Cemetery
Cyril Avon Wyeth
Avon was born in Otautau in 1918. He died in Riverton on 22
November 1939 aged 20 and is buried in the same plot as his parents.
Ina Wyeth
Ina was born in Otautau in 1920. She married Edwin (Eddy) Goodall. Eddie was
born in 1917 the son of William and Mary (nee Edwards) Goodall. Eddy died in Cromwell in 1956. Ina and Eddy had 2 children. Ina
remarried in 1964. Her new husband was William Howard (Howard) Hinton.
Howard was born in Dunedin on 12 February 1921the son of William Henry and Janet Mary (nee
Flint) Hinton. Ian was a Fruitgrower. Ian and Howard
lived in Chapple Street Alexandra, where Ina died in 2005 and Howard on 24 November 2006.
William George Wyeth
William was born in Woodlands on 24 August 1884 the 4th son 6th child of Charles and
Elizabeth Wyeth.
In 1914 William married Jean Morton. Jean
was born 3 July 1890 the daughter of George and Margaret (nee Noble) Morton.
George and Margaret Morton.
George Morton married Margaret Noble in 1879 in New Zealand. Their
children were.
Morton, born Abt 1880, New Zealand, died 1943, New Zealand
Morton, born Abt 1882, New Zealand
Noble Mortonborn Abt 1888, New Zealand
Morton, born 3 Jul 1890, New Zealand died 22 Oct 1985, Invercargill,
Ruby Morton, born Abt 1892, New Zealand
Robert Morton, born Abt 1893, New Zealand
Sophia Morton, born Abt 1895, New Zealand
Constance (Connie) Morton born 15 August 1910 in Wyndham,
Southland daughter of Richard Morton married Isaac
Giles (Ike) Sykes grandson of Maria Ann Wyeth (Sister of Charles)
Mcleod Morton born 26 January 1953 in Invercargill, daughter
of George
Leslie (Leslie) Morton (George is brother of Connie, child of
Richard Morton) married Andrew
Bain McDougall Great Grandson of Joseph Wyeth (brother of Charles)
William was Manager of a Cheese factory in Brydon . He and Aunty Jean called each other Mummy and Daddy and were still
obviously very much in love when he died.
William died in Invercargill on 24 July 1954 aged 69 and
was buried in Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill on 26 July 1954
Jean continued to live in Invercargill for many years where she died 22
October 1985, she William in eastern Cemetery on 24 October 1985.
William's family
Eric Arthur Wyeth
Eric was born in Waikouaiti on 25 June 1915. He
was married on 15 May 1948 to Living. Eric worked for Wright Stephensons in Gore and became manager soon after
Uncle Bert Price's death. They
had 2 children. Eric died
on 13 December 1987 in Gore.
George Morton Wyeth
George was born in Edendale on 3 April 1918. He
was killed in action on 1
December 1941 while serving with the 6th Field Regiment of the 2nd New Zealand
Divsional Artillery near Tobruk. George is buried in Knightsbridge War
Cemetery, Acroma, Libya
Ronald William Wyeth
Ronald was born in Mataura on 16 January 1926. He
died aged 7 months. Ronald was
buried in Edendale Cemetery on 26 August 1926.
James Shirriffs Wyeth

Jimmy and sister Amy
Jimmy was born in Woodlands on 27 May 1888 the 5th son 7th child of Charles and Elizabeth
Jimmy was married on 21 December 1919 at Invercargill to Gladys Devonal Campbell daughter
of George and Jane (nee Hopkins) Campbell. Gladys brother Jack later married Jimmy's younger sister Essie.
Gladys was born 12 February 1895 she was a school teacher.
Jimmy was a butcher in Kennington, sons Campbell and Bryan took over the business on his retirement.
Gladys died 28 November 1962 and James on 13 May 1967 both
in Invercargill where they were buried Gladys on 1 December 1962 and Jimmy on
16 May 1967.
Jimmy's Family
Campbell Wyeth
Cam was born on 5 May 1921 at Invercargill. He was married on 13 February 1953 at Holy Trinity Invercargill to
Living. Campbell was in the Navy during the second World War.
They had 3 children and now live in Tay St Invercargill.Campbell died on 9
August 2000 Southland Hospital and was buried at Eastern Cemetery Invercargill.
Brian Wyeth
Brian was born on 5 May 1925 at Invercargill. He
was married on 18 April 1959 at Richmond Grove Invercargill to Velma Joy Shaw.
Joy was born on 26 February 1929 at Temuka the daughter of Mervyn and
Velma (nee Bate) Shaw. They had 1 daughter. Brian
died in Christchurch on 13 October 1992 and Velma in Dunedin on 17 December
Amy Swale Wyeth
Amy was born 31st October 1891, in Woodlands, Southland the 8th child of Charles and
Elizabeth Wyeth. Like her brothers
and sisters Amy went to Woodlands Primary school and to Invercargill High
Amy left school in the 4th Form to look after her mother Granny Wyeth who was sick.
Amy's elder brothers and sisters did not want her to miss out because she
was the one who had made the sacrifice so they ensured that she was able to
develop her Musical talents. Uncle
Jimmy paid for her music lessons and it may have been Aunty Lucy who paid for
her Singing lessons. The music
lessons were in Invercargill and so Amy went to Invercargill each weekend and
stayed with her Aunt Sal (Swale), a sister of her mother.
During her youth Amy was a popular singer around Southland.
Looking after Granny Wyeth meant that Amy did not have any type of paid employment
outside the home. After a number of
years with Granny Wyeth, in 1914, Amy went to stay with her brother Bill, his
wife Jean was expecting their first child and had to rest a lot.
Amy stayed there as home help for a year until she got married.
When Amy left Granny Wyeths Essie took over.
On Tuesday the 6th of April 1915 at Woodlands Presbyterian church Amy Swale Wyeth
was married to James Findlay McLeay, formerly
of Gore and Invercargill, but at that time, of Christchurch. A full transcript
of the local newspapers account of the wedding follows this section.
James the second child, eldest son of John and Elizabeth McLeay, was born
in Otautau, Invercargill on 15 August 1888.
James McLeay attended Waihopai School, Southland; passing his First
Standard examination on 29 Nov. 1897, and his Sixth Standard examination on 27
Nov. 1902.
As a young man Jim worked in H and J Smiths in
Invercargill and was the "White Headed boy". However he had an
argument with the managers at H and J Smiths and, although he had been courting
Amy, left to go to Melbourne.
Somebody wrote to him in Melbourne, possibly Granny Wyeth, and told him about Amy's
singing partner, Tom Kincade.
Jim came back to Christchurch, where he worked at Stranges as a
Window Dresser. When he came back Tom Kincade moved out of the picture.
When they got engaged Jim gave Amy a Lion bowl which she left to Nora's husband Lloyd
and then to Anthony. Amy was
normally one of those ladies who selected her own presents from her husband the
only other present that Jim ever actually selected and gave to Amy was a ????
Jim was called up for World War one and was in camp but never went to war.
Wedding in Woodlands
On Tuesday, 6th inst, at the Woodlands Presbyterian Church, Miss Amy Wyeth, third daughter of Mr and Ms C. Wyeth, was
married to Mr J.McLeay, formerly of Gore and Invercargill, and now of
Christchurch. The ceremony was
conducted by a former minster of the church, Rev E.Bissett, assisted
by the present minister, the Rev G.H.Jupp.
The church was very prettily decorated with white flowers and ferns, and
a Huge bell was suspended over the bride's head.
As the bride entered the church on her father's arm, the bridal hymn,
"How welcome was the call" was sung.
The wedding dress was exceedingly dainty, and the bride looked very
pretty indeed. She wore a handsome
lace robe over duchesse satin beautifully embroidered, the bodice being very
simple, and finished off with a single row of seed pearls; a court train of
duchesse satin lined with palest pink descended from the shoulders, the veil
being arranged in cap fashion, with orange blossom forming a coronet, and a
lovely shower bouquet completed a most charming toilette.
The chief bridesmaid, Miss Nora Wyeth, wore a
pretty frock of pale reseda green crepe de chine, trimmed with tiny frills and
touches of pink and tiny pink rosebuds, Juliet cap of green, frill of white
lace, and wide bows across the back, bouquet of pink flowers.
The other bridesmaid, Miss Essie Wyeth, wore a
dainty pale pink frock of crepe, wide black velvet belt, white muslin Juliet cap
with black velvet band and frill of lace,and also carried a pretty bouquet.
The brides train was held by a tiny tot, Miss Inez Dunsford her frock
being of white nimon, pages cap of satin, and dainty Juliet cap of muslin and
lace. Mr W. Tretheway, of Gore,
acted as best man, and Mr Chas. Phillips was
groomsman. Mrs Milroy presided at
the organ, and tastefuly played the wedding march from "Lohengrin" as
the bridal party left the church.
After the wedding ceremony the guests repaired to the public hall, where a sumptuous
breakfast awaited them. It was
served by the granddaughters of Mr and Mrs Wyeth.
Their hearts were in the work, and their readiness and skill would have
done credit to a corps of professional waitressses.
The tables were tastefully laid, and flowers and flags made a bright and
pretty setting to the feast. After
the company had enjoyed the good things, liquid and solid, with which the tables
were laden, the chaimand(the Rev. Mr Bissett) read a sheaf of telegrams
conveying good wishes to the young couple. A
short toast list was then honoured, that of "The King" being
enthusiastically drunk.
The chairman, in giving "The Bride and Bridegroom," said that some might
wonder, why he and not the resident minister, should have carried out the
ceremony. They all loved and
respected the Rev. Mr Jupp, but he had been asked to act in accordance with an
engagement made before he left Woodlands, and Miss Wyeth (now Mrs McLeay),
unlike the Kaiser, had kept her word, although it was not a written promise.
He need hardly say that it gave him the greatest pleasure to be with them
on such a happy occasion,and felt that he was expressing the feeling of all who
knew the Wyeth family and Mr McLeay when he wished that gentleman and his bride
long life and happiness. He trusted
that the blessing of God would rest upon them and theirs.
The people of the district would miss the bride very much indeed, for she
never spared herself when concerts were organised for the Belguim fund or any
other worthy cause. Her services as
a singer were always readily and cheerfully given, and no doubt she would
continue her good work in Christchurch. [16]
John and Elizabeth McLeay
John McLeay was born in Poolewe Ross shire in 1841 the son of
Finlay and Grace Bethune (nee Beaton) Mcleay. John arrived in Lyttleton,
Canterbury, New Zealand on 26 December 1862 on the ship "Mermaid." On 31 October 1885 in Invercargill, New Zealand, John McLeay, a
shepherd, married Elizabeth Fraser a widow with two children,
Fraser, born 6 August 1876.
Fraser, born 12 December 1877.
Elizabeth Rogers was born on 5 September 1855 in Upton Bishop Hereford England,
she was the 2nd child of James and Jane (nee Phillip) Rogers.
Elizabeth had arrived in Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand on 21 November 1874
on the ship "Auckland." Elizabeth had married John
Sutherland Fraser, in Clinton on 15 September 1875. They had had 3
children but the youngest John
Cornwall Fraser, born 24 November 1879 died on 4 July 1880
aged 7 months. John senior died on 27 April 1881 aged 36 years.
John and Elizabeth had 4 children:
Eleanor McLeay, born Dec 1886, died 10 Aug 1887 Southland
Findlay (Jim) McLeay, born 15 Aug 1888, Otautau, Southland, died
11 Oct 1952, Christchurch, Canterbury
McLeay, born 25 Jul 1890, Morton Mains, Southland, died 24 May 1965, Riversdale, Southland
Beswick McLeay, born 25 Sep 1892, Morton Mains, Southland, died
10 Oct 1966, Invercargill, Southland.
Elizabeth died on 30 December
1893 and John on 28 August 1904 they are buried together with their
daughter Grace in Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill. |
Stranges went bankrupt in the Depression and Jim moved to Farmers as a shop Assistant.
He progressed there to be Head of the Shirt Dept and also did Window
He was very popular with the customers in this position and at Xmas got presents of
things like a side of lamb and a Goose. His
Manager retired and he failed to get the promotion due to a drinking problem.
When Jim retired from Farmers he got a Cleaning job at the Government Buildings.
He was working there up to his death.
On the Tuesday night before he died he was up a ladder doing some
cleaning. He fell and injured his
ear, this resulted in a stroke from which he did not recover.
He was in Hospital until the Friday when he died.
Gran Kay had been visiting him and he had come out of the comma enough to
tell he that he would be a good boy in future, by this she thought he was
refering to his drinking. The
doctors asked her to stop coming as they said he would just be a vegetable it he
did come out of the comma properly.
On the Saturday night before he died he had taken me,(Anthony) to the bookshop in
Kilmore St and bought me a toy tow truck. He
the went to work and next day we went back to Culverden without seeing him
again. When he was in Hospital Mum
arranged to come back down the following Friday but he died before they arrived.
Jim died on 11 October 1952 as the cause of death being recorded as Cerebal
Haemorrhage for 5 days. Jim was
cremated at Bromley Cemetery on 13/10/1952.
Amy and Jim made their home in Christchurch after they were married living for many
years in Haast St and after Nora married Lloyd they moved to the botton story of
Lloyd's mothers house in Chester St. After
Jims death Lloyds mother found she was unable to manage the stairs and had to
move downstairs. Lucy and Brian
brought a House in Dacre St Christchurch where Amy lived for many years.
In the final years of her life she moved in to a home for the elderly
where she died on 1 October 1970.
Amy's Family
Nora Elizabeth McLeay
Nora was born in Christchurch on 25 July 1918. Her early childhood included
frequent and sometimes quite extended trips to Aunty Pat and Uncle Bert in
Gore. Nora's friend Essie Suckling asked Amy if she could take Lu and Nora to
Sunday School and so began a long association with the church. One that was to
influence all our lives. Lucy and Nora were both painfully shy because we had
not mixed with other children in their early days. These were the days of the
Depression but they were very lucky as their Dad always managed to keep his
job. One family down our street lived on parsnips for a week, as that was all
they had in the garden.
Nora was educated at Avonside Girl's High School, Christchurch. As a young
woman she worked as a clerk for HG Livingston Auctioneers. She married Lloyd
George Scholfield Frost at Holy Trinity Church Avonside Christchurch on 5 December 1942. Lloyd the only son of George and Lilian Roland (nee Scholfield) Frost
was born on 3 April 1919, George died when Lloyd was an infant and Lloyd was brought up by his mother. Lloyd was a Chartered
Accountant with the Railways up until his retirement in 1977. With the railways they moved around New Zealand living in Amberley, North
Canterbury; Woolston a suburb of Christchurch; Culverden again in North
Canterbury; Maia a suburb of Dunedin; Upper Hutt; back to Christchurch living in
the Suburb of Shirley; and finally back to Upper Hutt where Lloyd retired and
they lived, out the remainder of their lives including their 50th wedding anniversary. Nora and Lloyd had
4 boys, of which I (Anthony) was the eldest. Lloyd died on 1November 1995 at the
Norman Kirk Home, Upper Hutt, and Nora in Hutt Hospital,
Lower Hutt on 6 January 1999. The are buried in the Churchyard of St John's
Church, Trentham.
Lucy Maria McLeay
Lucy was born an November 18, 1920 in Christchurch. As a
child her most distinguishing feature was her mop of red curly hair. She was shy
and small until her mid-teens. As a child she went to Sunday School at Holy
Trinity Avonside with Nora and neighbourhood children. At school she excelled at
Maths, and her artistic flair showed through early in life. Both Nora and Lucy were runners up for Dux at Richmond School.
Both were beatten by girls who had had elocution training.
For this reason Lucy ensured that both her girls learnt elocution.
When she left school she was keen to get work using her artistic talents and do
sign-writing; however her parents did not consider this to be a suitable job for
a girl in the mid 1930's; so she got an office job at T&G Insurance (which
she always called Tickle and Giggle) and later at Lane Walker Rudkin.
As she grew up Holy Trinity Avonside became a important
focus for her life. She taught Sunday School, sang in the church choir, took
Girls' Life Brigade, and Life Boys. Her association with this church remained
until her death in 1988.
Lucy was married to LIVING in 1945. While her children were
growing up the family and children's activities were the focus of her life. She
was v" active in school committees, PTAs, Board of Governors, Church Vestry
and other church activities. During this time her artistic abilities showed
through in her dress making and making fancy dress costumes whenever they were
During the mid 1960's, she purchased
her own car, an Austin 7, which gave her more mobility and her garage mechanic
a guaranteed income. This was later replaced with a Morris Minor, which was a
little more reliable. Returning home on one occasion, she parked the cat in
the driveway as usual, and went inside to open the garage door. She opened the
door, in her own words, " only to find no car. I thought it had been
stolen - till I looked at the river over the road, and saw poor wee Morris
giving his last salute as he got firmly sucked into the river." 'Wee
Morris' was later restored to his former glory.
As the children were becoming more
independent, Lucy renewed her interest in art by going to evening classes for
painting, copper work, leather work, woodcarving and clay work. In 1972 she
entered a work of art in a promotional competition for a production of
"Jesus Christ Superstar'; and won! She found this very encouraging.
Following a radical mastectomy in
1971, she decided in order to strengthen her arm muscle and develop a new
interest, she would go to Hairdressing College. She found this invigorating:
mixing with younger students; and learning new skills. Although she never
worked as a professional hair dresser-, for several years she continued this
interest by doing the hair of friends and relations.
Continuing her quest for learning and
encouraged by her evening class success, she attended High School as an adult
student; studying for her Fine Arts Preliminary. She had to pass this in order
to be accepted into the Fine Art School at the University of Canterbury. She
enjoyed the challenge of University for 3 years (1980-1982), studying both
Practical Art and History of Art. Her works of Art at this time included a
variety of media and styles: Oamaru stone and wooden sculpture and carving,
modernistic paintings and collages, and she even constructed furniture! Her
sense of humour often showed through in her work. like the time she sculpted a
telephone: the receiver had an car on one end and lips at the other, when it
was lifted, the eyes of the person at the other end popped out on a spring.
During her time at University her
cancer had come out of remission and from time to time she had courses of
radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. She continued to make the most out of
life, although in the fast couple of years, the cancer restricted her
lifestyle considerably. Brian cared for her at home for several years and she
died on March 10, 1988 at the Mary Potter Hospice, Christchurch.
She is remembered by all who knew her,
especially for the way she refused to let her illness interfere with what she
wanted to do. She was always
friendly, caring, outgoing and prepared to lend a hand. Her sense of humour
and love of life was ever present. She was always confident in her own ability
and positive in her attitude to life. Her Christian faith was always her
strength especially when her health was failing.
The above is extracts from a story of
Lucy's life written by her daughters.
Nora Elizabeth Wyeth(Pat)
Pat was born in Woodlands on 21 September 1893 the 4th daughter of Charles and
Elizabeth Wyeth.
started her adult life as a School Teacher.
On 23 October 1918 Pat married Herbert Allan (Bert)
Price in Edendale. Bert
was born in 1886 the son of Fred and Ellen Price
was Manager of Wright Stephensons in
Edendale. In those days Wright
Stephensons made their managers Directors of the company. Directors meetings were held in Christchurch and Uncle Bert came to
Christchurch frequently. Pat's niece
Nora, eldest daughter of Amy, well remembers Bert's visits to Chch when he took
Amy and her daughters Nora and Lucy to dinner at Warners or the United Services
Pat and Bert lived all of their married lives in Southland firstly in Edendale and
later in Gore.
Fred and Ellen Price
Frederick Augustus Price was born 1854 in Lachlead, Gloucestershire the son of
Thomas and Juliana (nee Clark) Price. Thomas and Juliana were married on 25
November 1847. Fred married Ellen Norris in 1880.
From The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial
Districts]Published 1905 - Price, Frederick Augustus , Farmer and Cattle Dealer,
Waikiwi. Mr Price was born at Lachlead, Gloucestershire, England, in 1854, and
arrived in Melbourne, with his parents, in the following year. The family came
to Invercargill by the schooner "Pilot," in 1863, and Mr Price saw a
good deal of Southland - particularly of the Myross Bush and Otautau districts -
with his father, who successfully worked at carpentering, farming, and
hotelkeeping. Mr Price started sheep and cattle dealing at Waikiwi, in 1875, and
for about five years was buying for Messrs Nelson Brothers, of the Ocean Beach
Works. He now owns a fine farm of 800 acres in the New River and Makarewa
district, and fifteen acres, containing his home, on the Waikiwi road. Mr Price
was married, in 1870, to a daughter of Mr H. Norris, and has a family of six
sons and six daughters.
Price, born Abt 1882, New Zealand
Emma Price, born Abt 1883, New Zealand, died Abt 1949, New Zealand
Maud Eliza Price, born Abt 1885, New Zealand, died Abt 1971, New Zealand
Allan Price, born Abt 1886, Invercargill, Southland, died Abt 1957, Gore, Southland
Percy Price, born Abt 1889, New Zealand, died Abt 1939, New Zealand
Mary Price, born Abt 1890, New Zealand, died Abt 1938, New Zealand
Norris Price, born Abt 1892, New Zealand, died 23 Mar 1977, Calvary Hospital, Invercargill, Southland
Hilda Price, born Abt 1894, New Zealand, died Abt 1967, New Zealand
Roy Price, born 19 May 1898, New Zealand, died Abt 1973, New Zealand
Price, born Abt 1901, New Zealand, died 1901, Waikiwi, Invercargill, Southland
Stella Irene Price, born Abt 1901, New Zealand, died Abt 1968, New Zealand
Leslie Price, born 15 Apr 1903, New Zealand, died Abt 1992, New Zealand
Alice Price, born Abt 1913, New Zealand
Ellen died in 1933 and Fred in 1935. They were living in North Road
Invercargill at the time and are buried in St
John's Cemetery, Invercargill.
Bert died in 1954. Pat continued to live
in the family home in Gore for many years a favorite holiday venue for many of
his nieces and nephews. After a period of Blindness Pat died in December 1982,
aged 89.
Pat's family
Esther Dora Wyeth
known as Essie, was born in Woodlands on 24 October 1895, 10th child of Charles
and Elizabeth Wyeth. Charles by this
time was aged 53 and Elizabeth 39.
leaving school Essie looked after her parents.
Amy who had previously left school to help in the family home had by now
gone to look after Aunty Jean.
Essie married Jack Campbell in 1921 in the Registry Office in Upper Hutt. Jack
was born on 12 January 1890 in Invercargill the son of George Thompson and
Emma Jane (nee Hopkins ) Campbell.
George Thompson Campbell
Mr. George Thomson Campbell was born in Stonehaven,
Scotland on 5 June 1854 the son of Robert and Elizabeth (nee Just)
Campbell. George came out to New Zealand in the 'Marie Bahn' in 1872
. On his arrival in New Zealand he went from Dunedin to Milton and for several
years acted as a journalist on the 'Bruce Herald' with the original
George was married in Registrars Office,
Dunedin, on 31 Oct 1882 to Emma
Jane Hopkins. Jane was born in 1954 in Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales
daughter of David and Jane (nee Devonald) Hopkins.
George left journalism to enter into sawmilling and was connected with that
trade until about two months before his death becoming a well known figure in
the timber trade in Otago and Southland. His sons George, Robert and John moved
to the North Island where they continued sawmilling.
George, the eldest was born in Oamaru , where
he had worked for a time on the Bruce Herald newspaper. With his wife May from Bluff he moved to Dannevirke worked for
sawmiller Thomas Price. This
company had a sawmill at Upper Hutt, and George and May moved there when
George took over management of the sawmill. He bought out Thos Price & Sons in 1916, and in 1920 was joined in
partnership by his brothers Jack and Bob.
George and Emma's children were:-
Just Campbell, born 21 Feb 1876, Port Chalmers, Otago, New Zealand,
died 1950, Wellington
Archibald Campbell, born 15 Aug 1877, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand, died
22 Feb 1959, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
Jane Campbell, born 1 Sep 1879, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 3 Nov 1981, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Marion Campbell, born 27 Jul 1881, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 1 Jan 1954, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
James Campbell, born 10 Aug 1883, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 1937, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
Colin Campbell, born 24 Jul 1886, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died Oct 1886, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Annie Campbell, born 5 Sep 1887, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 25 Feb 1961, Balclutha, Otago, New Zealand
Just Campbell, born 12 Jan 1890, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 29 Aug 1963, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
May Campbell, born 29 Nov 1892, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died 17 Feb 1979, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Devonald Campbell, born 12 Feb 1895, Invercargill, Southland, died
28 Nov 1962, Kennington, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Mary Campbell, born 9 Jun 1897, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand,
died Feb-Mar 1898, Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand
Gladys married Jimmy Wyeth Essie's brother.
Jack's second brother, Bob, was the recipient of the matchmaking attentions of
his sister-in-law Essie and as a result married Harriet
(Tot) McKendry.
George died at Lindisfarne, 43 Robertson
Street, Invercargill on 16 June 1921 leaveing a widow and
family of three sons and six daughters. Emma Jane died 31 march
1927. They are both buried in Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill.
The early part of Jack and Essie's married life was spent at Karapoti where
Jack and Bob ran the sawmill. All of Essie and Jack's children were born while they were living there.
Bet at their home and the others at Nurse Lomas' in Upper
Hutt. All the children attended the
local Karapoti school though Judy moved on to Upper Hutt School.
The family moved to King Street Upper Hutt, where Jack built a new family home, in time for
June to start College. Jack died in
1963 and and is buried in Akatarawa Cemetery. Essie continued to live in the family home for many years with her second
daughter June and June's family. Prior
to her death on 8 August 1987 Essie had been resident in Braeburn home in Upper
Hutt for a short period.
Essie's Family
Elizabeth Rose Campbell
Bette was born on 13 September 1923 at Essie's home in Karapoti, North of Upper Hutt. After leaving school
she worked as a Hairdresser.
Betty was married on 25 May 1946 in Upper Hutt to Jack
Langdale Andrews . Jack was born in Te Awamutu on 28 October 1920. Jack was a property
developer, they had 3 children. Jack died on 27 March 1991 in Waikanae. Betty died on 31 July
2007 in Wellington Hospital.
Jackie Campbell
Jackie was born in October 1925 at Nurse Lomas' Russell St Upper Hutt.
Unfortunately Jackie died as an infant aged 3.
Mary Josephine Campbell
Jo was born on 11 September 1929 at Nurse Lomas' Russell St Upper Hutt. Jo was married on 13 September 1953 at St Davids Prebytarian Church in
Upper Hutt to Living . They had 3 children. Jo died on 8 September
1989 and was buried at the Akatarawa Cemetery after a funeral
service at the Rimutaka Baptist Church north of Upper Hutt.
Thomas Wyeth
Tom was born on 6 August 1897 the 6th son 11 th child of Charles and Elizabeth Wyeth.
As a young man Tom worked in the family Market Garden. Grandad Wyeth, who had been a Market Gardener in Woodlands
for at least 30 years left the family market Garden to Rose who had looked after her
parents for the last 10 years of their lives. Tom bought the family Market Garden from Rose and continued to work it on
his own account.
Tom married Gladys Eileen Calder, on 22 August 1928 at 189 Tay St Invercargill. The
Tay Street address was the home of Tom's eldest sister Polly. Tom and Glad had been to marry some two weeks earlier unfortunately Tom's
mother took ill and susequently died and the wedding was delayed until the 22nd.
Glad was born on 6 January 1904 the daughter of John and Ellen Margaret (nee
Jaggers) Calder, she was baptised at Morton Mains.
In addition to working the Market Garden Tom drove the local school bus for 22
years from 1936 to 1958.
Tom died at Woodlands on 24 October 1973, aged 76[18].
Gladys died in Dunedin on 6 January 1979, aged 75. Both Tom and Glad are buried in
Woodlands Cemetery.
"Children By The Mile," As It Were
After 22 years,200,000 miles and thousands of children, Mr Tom Wyeth has
driven the school bus away from Woodlands School Bus, in
Southland, for the last time, and retired.
One of that legion of school bus drivers who have become a legend in
their own time, he saw romances blossom in his old bus:and when the boys and
girls grew up and married he carried their children to school too.
For him, there were a hundred of memories to every mile as he drove
along his route for the last time, picking up the waiting children at the farm
gates. When he got to school and
the children tumbled out, waiting to greet him were four people he carried as
6 year-olds on the first day he started his run.
They had been there at the start and because of their affection for
"Tom," they wanted to be there at the finish. Their children had sat in the same seats as their parents did in the
third school term of 1936. As Mr. Wyeth says, both he and his bus were new
when he started the run. The bus has never missed a days service and Mr Wyeth
has missed only one.
He drove it once when he had the measles. One friday morning a long time ago, he did not feel well and when he
got home from his run he found he had the measles. He wrapped himself up in a heavy coat and scarves in the afternoon and
drove the children home again. No
one ever new, and the spots were gone by monday.
At the outset he made three resolutions. He would never speed, never take a drink while driving, and never
swear. He broke these rules only
once - when a sheep jumped out in front of his bus and he ran over it. He swore.
In the early days, to keep the children quiet, Mr Wyeth ran a
competition to see how many rabbits they could count. "The rabbits are all gone, and now we count kids," he said.
He remembers once letting a lad out of his bus and the boys father
saying: "Did you thank Mr Wyeth?" "No," said the boy, "I thanked him yesterday, and he
said 'don't mention it.'"
When the children grew up he lost touch with many of them.
As far as the girls were concerned it was the lipstick and makeup that
fooled him, he says; once their names were mentioned he knew them again.
There was not much that went on in the district that he did not know
about. As the bus bowled along the
children used to tell him about everything that went on in their homes; it was
not like confiding to a stranger, for he new their parents so well.
All over New Zealand, country folk come to depend on their school bus
drivers and rural mail delivery men; and when the time comes for one of them
to retire, the whole district feels the loss of an old and trusted friend. That is the way it is in Woodlands district now that "Old
Tom" has finished up.
- Jack McClenaghan
Tom's Family
Margaret Rose Wyeth
Margaret was born on 31 May 1929 in Invercargill. She
was a teacher. On 19 October 1951
she married Stanley Robert Kelk the son
of Frank and Elizabeth Kelk . Stanley had 3 brothers. Stanley
was born on 17 January 1915 at Otekaieke, South Canterbury he died
in 18 February 1991 in Dunedin. The following Obituary was
publish in the Dunedin paper shortly
after Stan's death.
Stan Kelk, a gentleman of rugby administration,
has died in Dunedin at the age of 76. Mr
Kelk, the President of the Otago Rugby Football Union in 1978,
was a well liked and respected administrator. "He was a top-rate organisor, a great worker and a pleasure to to
work with," the Executive Director of the Rugby Football Union, Mr John
Hornbrook, said. "Stan had tack, diplomacy, and was never heard to speak a harsh word about anybody."
Mr Kelk was rejected for overseas service in World War II because of heart
complaints and lived with the problem for the next 50 years.
He was a member of the management committee of the union for 6 years from 1967 to
1972 and vice-president in 1976 and 1977. Mr
Kelk set high demands on himself as a sports administrator.
"You have to organise yourself and your job otherwise you don't get
results," he said on one occasion. "You
must cater for detail because things don't go off if they are only half
Mr Kelk, a retired Post Office executive, had a gift for fund raising and helped
many sports organisations. "I
like to be a worker in the background," he said.
"I don't like the limelight and prefer to do my work behind the
scenes." Mr Kelk grew up in
Oamaru, but because of shift work in the Post Office he was not able to
play much rugby. He did not have a
playing background and looked upon himself purely as an administrator.
Mr Kelk was a member of the North Otago Rugby Football Union in the late 1940's at
a time when administrators had to work hard, sell tickets at the gate and do
other odd jobs such as looking after the showers.
He joined the Kaikorai club when he transferred to Dunedin in 1952.
There he held the positions of Treasurer, Secretary, and President.
He was later elected a life-member. His
administrative skills were widely recognised and he was co-opted to the
Sassenachs committee.
Mr Kelk also enjoyed tennis, table-tennis, wrestling and bowls. He was a former president and secretary, for nine years, of the Kaikorai
Bowling Club. Mr Kelk is survived by
his wife, Margaret, and sons Geoffrey, Barry and Bryan.
Frank Kelk
Frank was born in 1870 in
Wisbern, Lincolnshire, England the son of George and Marianne Kelk.
Frank with his parents and brother Henry sailed from London on March
12th on board the ship Dunbritton arriving at Port Chalmers Otago on
June 13th. The ship carried 72 passengers.
On 19 June 1891 Frank married Frances
Ann Cornick. Frances was born about 1874. They had three
Watson Kelk, born Abt 1891, died 13 Jul 1915, Gallipoli
Kelk, born 1893, New Zealand, died 1964, Waiareka Junction, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand
Louisa Kelk, born Abt 1895, New Zealand
Francis died on 19 Jul 1895 at
Enfield, Otago aged 21 years.
On13 May 1902 Frank married Elizabeth
Louisa Cornick. Elizabeth was born about 1877, presumably the younger sister
of Francis. They had 2 children
Burkett Kelk, born Abt 1904, New Zealand, died 02 Dec 1941, Egypt
Robert Kelk, born 17 Jan 1915, Otekaieke, South Canterbury, died 18 Feb 1991, Dunedin, Otago,
Frank died in 1924, he was buried in Oamaru Cemetery on 26 February 1924 and Elizabeth in 1961 and was buried on 15 December
1961 also in Oamaru cemetery.
Margaret lived for many years at 25 Wales St Dunedin until her death on 23
February 1993. They are buried at Green Park Cemetery Dunedin.
Flora Rose Wyeth
Rose was born in Woodlands on 26 January 1899 the 6th daughter 12th child of Charles
and Elizabeth.
Rose had a very good clerical job in Gore which she left when Essie got married to
look after Granny Wyeth.
When Granny Wyeth died in 1928 Essie invited Rose to Upper Hutt for a
holiday, where she was introduced to Bill Gregor, whose wife had died some three
years earlier leaving him with a young daughter, Heather. Bill was in Essie's view having had a very unhappy time trying to manage
on his own with his young daughter. Essie's matchmaking was very sucessfull and Rose was married in Invercargill in
12 June 1929 to William Gregor (Bill). His previous marriage had been to Lila Elizabeth Wyeth youngest
daughter of Thomas Wyeth. William and Lila had had one daughter Heather.
Bill was born 5 June 1888 at Memsie near Fraserburgh in
Scotland, the son of Alexander and Elizabeth (nee Davidson ) Gregor . Further details of Bill's family at provided in Lila's section.
Rose and Bill lived for many years in Wakelin Street Carterton Bill was
a joiner by trade, he died in Tawa on 9 November 1981 and was buried in Carterton.
In their later years Rose and Bill moved to Tawa where they lived with Alex and
Janette. After Bill's death Rose moved to Wesley haven in Lower Hutt from where she died on 30 September 1986 in
Lower Hutt Hospital, she was buried in Carterton.
Rose's Family